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Barney Hoskyns of RocksBackPages lets the cat out of the bag

If you haven’t heard of Rocks Back Pages, give yourself a treat – its the worlds largest archive of music journalism. PHWOAR!

If you register, you get access to 500 free articles. DOUBLE PHWOAR!

From RBP -“We’ve been going for over 20 years and work with hundreds of writers to archive their work for students, researchers and plain old music-lovers. Read more about RBP in our Press Room.

Anyone can register to read a selection of over 500 free articles, or subscribe and get full access to all the articles and audio interviews on the site for personal use. Each week, we add a minimum of 50 interviews and reviews from the pages of the best music publications since 1960. We also put together free features, spotlight the work of one of our contributors and pay tribute to notable figures on our weekly homepage and newsletter.”

The site been around for 20 years now, headed up by well-respected author and journalist – editorial director Barney Hoskyns. He a live one, and his own website ( is very entertaining.

Meanwhile, RocksBack Pages have given us a fabulous review on Facebook.

… and oops, he’s let the cat out of the bag… “A number of featured photographs have never been seen before.”

Front back cover of The Island Book of Records 1959-68