What is the #IBoR discography?

Neil Storey has painstakingly listed the 45s or singles that Island Records released from 1959-1968. With  fledging business and records being sold out the back of car boots int he eray 60s, its not surprising records of those 45s were ever kept

“When 45’s or singles records were recorded, the idea of keeping some form of catalogue for the use of generations to come was not a high priority. In fact, it was probably not even considered. 45s were eminently disposable – they came and went with increasing rapidity. Record shops referred to catalogues for ordering purposes and that was it.

Information is tricky.  Take artist name spellings: Desmond Dacres’ stage name is – according to the labels – either Dekker or Dekkar. Another of the ska pioneers, Justin Hinds, occasionally becomes Hines.

We’ve taken name spellings and punctuations from the original labels even though it is perfectly obvious they aren’t always grammatically correct. The definitive article – ‘The’ used before a noun to define it as something specific – is sometimes included but sometimes not. For instance, sometimes the Gaylads are, indeed, The Gaylads. Other times, they’re simply Gaylads. Or even Gay Lads.

What about producer or writer credits? These differed from when a record was licensed to one label and later, when it was licensed elsewhere. Also, in these early years, it wasn’t uncommon for artists to share A- and B-sides.”

The sad thing is is some of these recordings may never be heard… unless…..